Riikka Vuorenmaa

Master of Arts, Master of Performing Arts
Project researcher
lighting design, urban lighting, darkness

Oulu School of Architecture
Faculty of Technology

Riikka Vuorenmaa works as a light designer and scenographer in the field of performing arts. She is also a versatile artist. Her areas of expertise include site-specificity, spatial design and live art. In recent years, Vuorenmaa has focused on long-term artistic projects in urban space.

Alongside her artistic work, Vuorenmaa works as a part-time project researcher in the University of Oulu's Partnerships of Sustainable Darkness research project.

In her doctoral research on urban lighting, Vuorenmaa examines the methods by which users of urban space could be involved in the planning and designing of lighting that is safe, respects the values of darkness and is ecologically sustainable.

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