Roosa Ridanpää
Doctoral Researcher

In my doctoral research I focus on tourism enterprise's sustainability transformations in the age of environmental crises. I approach sustainability transformations through the concept of regenerative tourism. In my research I am also interested in place relations of tourism enterprises operating in Northern environments.
Previously I have worked as a researcher in regional tourism development projects, where we produced knowledge to foster sustainability of tourism. In addition to research I coordinate and teach in tourism geography courses.
Research interests
- sustainable tourism
- regenerative tourism
- sustainability transformations in tourism
- tourism in the Anthropocene
- climate change mitigation
Researcher information
Research groups
Researcher profiles

Contact information
Visiting address
Linnanmaa Campus
Linnanmaa Campus
Postal address
Geography Research Unit
P.O. Box 3000
FI-90014 University of Oulu
P.O. Box 3000
FI-90014 University of Oulu