Sampo Vepsäläinen

PhD researcher
atmospheric physics, aerosols, cloud droplet activation

Nano and Molecular Systems Research Unit
Faculty of Science

MSc in physics from the University of Oulu in 2019. PhD student since August 2019, doing modeling of aqueous-organic systems representing aqueous organic aerosol and activating cloud droplets, focusing on atmospheric surfactants, and the effect of surface activity on multi-phase multi-scale processes.

Research interests

  • atmospheric aerosol, cloud droplets, surfactants, bulk-surface partitioning

Researcher information

Researcher profiles

Contact information


Visiting address

University of Oulu, Linnanmaa Campus
Pentti Kaiteran katu 1
FI-90570 Oulu

Postal address

Nano and Molecular Systems Research Unit
Faculty of Science
PO Box 3000
FI-90014 University of Oulu