Sanna Järvelä

Learning sciences and educational technology

Learning and Learning Processes
Faculty of Education and Psychology

Sanna Järvelä

Sanna Järvelä is a professor in the field of learning and educational technology and a head of the Learning and Educational Technology Research Lab (LET) ( Her research focuses on self-regulated learning, computer-supported collaborative learning, and AI in education. Järvelä is internationally recognized in theoretical and methodological advancement of socially shared regulation in learning and multimodal research methods. In 2015, she was inducted as a member of the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters. She is a past president of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) and a holder of Francqui Chair 2015-2016 at Ghent University, Belgium. She is a member of the OECD PISA 2025 ‘Learning in the Digital World’ expert team. She was granted for Learning Sciences Fellow 2022; Knight First Class of the order of the White Rose of Finland 2022 and Finnish Ostrobothnia Cultural Foundation science prize 2023. She was the co-Chief editor of International Journal of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (iCSCL), a member of the OECD PISA 2025 ‘Learning in the Digital World’ expert team and co-PI of the Center for Learning and Living with AI (CELLA) funded by Jacobs Foundation. Järvelä is the leader of Profi 7 Hybrid Intelligence research programme at the University of Oulu. She has been recognized 2024 in Stanford University’s top 2 % scientist list.

Research interests

  • Self-regulated learning, socially shared regulation in learning, collaborative learning, computer supported collaborative learning, AI in education, adaptive learning technologies, multimodal methods

Researcher information

Researcher profiles

Sanna Järvelä

Contact information


Postal address

Department of Educational Sciences and Teacher Education
Learning and Educational Technology Research Lab (LET)
P.O.BOX 2000,
FIN-90014 University of Oulu