Selen Eren

Postdoctoral Researcher
Science and Technology Studies

History, Culture and Communication Studies
Faculty of Humanities

While conducting my participatory observation on bird ecologists during my PhD project.

I am an interdisciplinary social scientist working on the politics of environmental science targeted to address pressing environmental crises, with expertise in science and technology studies and a focus on multispecies, transdisciplinary, and interventionist approaches. In particular, I am highly motivated to work with natural scientists and practitioners, whose work addresses different forms of biodiversity loss at different scales, to understand and transform the kinds of knowledge and relations they produce in order to contribute to building just and multispecies liveable futures.

In my current postdoctoral project In the Shadow of Carbon, funded by the Kone Foundation, I will focus on why and how something as complex as soil health is mostly understood in terms of its carbon sequestration capacity, and how its governance is translated into carbon farming knowledges and practices in Finland and beyond.

Research interests

  • Knowledge Infrastructures
  • Co-production of environmental scientific knowledge
  • Biodiversity baselines, indicators and databases
  • Politics of measurement
  • Valuation of nature
  • More-than-human relations
  • Multispecies care
  • Science-society relations
  • Societally relevant scientific knowledge
  • Future of land use and agricultural systems

Researcher information

Researcher profiles

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Contact information


Visiting address

University of Oulu
Faculty of Humanities
Office TÄ315-2
Pentti Kaiteran katu 1
90570 Oulu

Postal address

University of Oulu
P.O. BOX 8000
FI-90014 University of Oulu