Siamak Seyfi
Assistant Professor (tenure track)
Tourism Geographies
Siamak Seyfi is an Assistant Professor (tenure track) in Tourism Geography at the Geography Research Unit of the University of Oulu, Finland. He obtained his PhD in Tourism Geography from Pantheon-Sorbonne University, France. Using a multi-/interdisciplinary approach and informed by diverse disciplinary perspectives, his research stems from an interest in geography of tourism and, more particularly, critical tourism geographies, impacts of tourism, tourist behaviour, resilience, sustainability and politics of tourism and peace through tourism. Guided by generational and lifestyle theories, his recent research focus on political and ethical consumerism, boycotts and buycotts with a special focus on Gen Z cohort.
His research is informed theoretically by critical theories and draws on diverse repertoire of qualitative methodologies and sociological/ethnographic research. He has co-authored Tourism, Sanctions and Boycotts (2020, Routledge), Tourism and Geopolitics: Discourses, practices and key issues (2021, Channel View Publications) and co-edited Cultural and Heritage Tourism in the Middle East and North Africa (2020, Routledge), Gen Z, Tourism, and Sustainable Consumption (2023, Routledge), Contemporary Muslim Travel Cultures (2022, Routledge) and Tourism in Iran: Challenges, Development, and Issues (2018, Routledge). Siamak has published in leading tourism journals and serves on the editorial boards of several Journals including Annals of Tourism Research, Tourism Planning & Development, Journal of Heritage Tourism, and International Journal of Tourism Cities among others.
Research interests
- Tourism mobilities
- Ethical and political consumerism
- Sustainability
- Resilience
- Behavioral change
- Generation Z
Researcher information
Research groups
Researcher profiles

Contact information
Phone number
Visiting address
Pentti Kaiteran katu 1
Geography Research Unit/Room KE369
FI-90014 University of Oulu
Postal address
FI-90014 University of Oulu