Susanne Uusitalo
Doctor of Social Sciences (philosophy), Master of Arts (English philology)
Senior researcher in ethics of AI
Applied ethics
History, Culture and Communication Studies
Faculty of Humanities
Susanne Uusitalo PhD, MA, defended her dissertation in philosophy entitled Addiction in action at the University of Turku, Finland in 2015. She has the title of docent in applied philosophy and applied ethics. Uusitalo’s background in practical philosophy provides her with a solid and rich theoretical knowledge in ethics. She has carried out research in various fields of applied ethics, e.g., neuroethics, ethics of health technology assessments and ethical aspects of computational psychiatry.
She has been the Head of the Unit Finland in the global International Chair in Bioethics network since 2018. Her expertise also covers research ethics of neurotechnologies, as she has been a member in the National Medical Research Ethics Committee (Tukija). At the other end, she facilitates ethical aspects in health technology assessments in the Council for Choice in Public Health Care in Finland, which issues legally binding recommendations for the publicly funded health care in Finland. She is also a member of the National Advisory Board on Social Welfare and Health Care Ethics ETENE (Finland) (2022-2026).
Research interests
- ethics of AI
- agency
- autonomy
- justice and equality
- research ethics

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