Tejesvi Mysore

Tejesvi Mysore is working on microbiome of gut-derived and nutritional extra-cellular vesicles, with a focus on understanding the bacteriome and mycobiome in human health. His research focuses particularly on microbial communities interacting within the body and how external factors, such as diet, antibiotics, and environmental exposures, especially in children.Tejesvi uses machine learning and network analysis to understand the microbiomes and gut-derived extra-cellular vesicle composition in various sample types including saliva, fecal, amniotic fluids and meconium etc. Tejesvi aims to develop approaches that can guide targeted interventions, improve patient outcomes, and contribute to disease prevention together with clinicians.
Research interests
- Microbiome, Bacteriome, Machine Learning, Extracellular Vesicles, Mycobiome
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