Timo Hugg
University Lecturer, Docent, Adjunct Professor
Public health (Environmental Health)

My expertise is related to pollen grains, especially dispersal between indoor and outdoor environments, pollen concentrations in different urban environments, and the environmental health, especially effects of environmental exposures on asthma, allergic diseases and symptoms. I have published more than 100 publications from the fields of urban ecology, environmental protection, environmental health, biodiversity, human-induced environmental impacts and allergology, including 30 peer-reviewed articles.
I have previously worked as a teacher/lecturer in the different organizations and as a head of South-Karelia Allergy and Environment Institute. Lately I have been working in two multidisciplinary research projects funded by the Academy of Finland: The Influence of Air Pollution, Pollen and Ambient Temperature on Asthma and Allergies in Changing Climate (APTA, 2013–2018; coordinator of WP1: Pollen monitoring and analyses) and Climate change, air quality and housing - future challenges to public health (CLAIH, 2008–2012; coordinator). Since then, I have worked as a senior expert, e.g. In the School environment and health (InChildHealth, 2022-2026) research project funded by the European Union.
In relation to the university community, I am the Faculty of Medicine's representative on the Sustainable Development Advisory Board (term 2024-2025) and the Sustainable Development Educational Working Group (terms 2022-2024), and I am a member of the faculty's Equality and Diversity Working Group (2022-). As part of the societal influence, I act as the representative of the University of Oulu in the Climate Leadership Coalition (CLC), the theme group Climate and Health during the term between 1 January 2024 and 30 June 2025.
Research interests
- Pollen grains
- Allergies and asthma
- Environmental exposures
Researcher information
Research groups
Researcher profiles
Contact information
Phone number
Visiting address
Faculty of Medicine
Kontinkangas Campus
Aapistie 5 B, 1st floor
Oulu, Finland
Postal address
PO Box 5000
FI-90014 University of Oulu
Internal address: 5CERH