Tirtha Gupta

MSc.(Technology) in Mechanical Engineering
Doctoral Researcher
Mechanical Engineering

Materials and Mechanical Engineering
Faculty of Technology

Tirtha Sen Gupta is a doctoral researcher at the University of Oulu in Machine and Vehicle Design group, specializing in steel fatigue, multibody dynamics, digital twins, and lightweight structures. His research focuses on advancing computational and real time simulations to enhance the performance, durability, and sustainability of engineering structures. Tirtha holds a Master of Science (Tech.) in Mechanical Engineering major in Production Engineering from Aalto University, Finland in 2024, reflecting a strong foundation in computational mechanics, lattice structure, structural analysis, and engineering innovation. Passionate about interdisciplinary research, he strives to bridge theoretical insights with real-world applications in engineering and sustainability. Also he has more than 3 years of professional experience working as a mechanical engineer in steel melting industry in Bangladesh.

Research interests

  • Multibody System Dynamics
  • Real Time Simulation
  • Steel Fatigue
  • Solid Mechanics
  • Digital Twin
  • Lightweight Structures

Researcher information

Researcher profiles


Contact information



Phone number


Visiting address

Materials and Mechanical Engineering Unit
Faculty of Technology
University of Oulu

Postal address

Pentti Kaiteran katu 1, 90570 Oulu