Tuija Lämsä
D.Sc. (Econ. & Bus.Adm.)
Department of Marketing, Management and International Business
Oulu Business School

She has actively acted at the academic field for many years - she has published articles in international peer-reviewed journals and books and participated actively in international conferences as a speaker. She has a strong research orientation, and she is actively participating in research collaboration and projects, both in international and regional scientific community.
Lämsä has also strong social impressiveness at many levels and communities (i.e. academic and administrative communities at University and Business school level and in business life cooperating with working life organizations). For example, she is actively taking part in activities of HENRY ry (a Representative of Oulu Business School, The Finnish Association for Human Resources Management), and Finland Futures Academy (FFA) community. She is also working as a contact person of the Oulu Business School influencing the equality work at the University of Oulu ensure equal treatment and opportunities among its staff and students.
Contact information
Phone number
Visiting address
Postal address
90014 University of Oulu