Tuomo Glumoff
University Lecturer, Adjunct Professor, Dean for Education
Protein research
Protein and Structural Biology
Faculty of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine

I have done throughout my career protein structure-function research. I am pioneers of protein crystallography in Finland and fetched expertise in the field at the time when this research could not yet be practiced in Finland. I was founding structural studies of proteins, first at the University of Turku and from 1997 at the University of Oulu, and I was the coordinator of the national structural biology research programme 2000-2002. My research interests have been enzymes related to both biotechnological applications and human physiology and diseases, most notably lignin peroxidase, the multifunctional enzyme MFE-2, which functions in fatty acid metabolism, and glycosyltransferases involved in the synthesis of glycans (sugar chains) involved in e.g. identification function on cell surface.
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Visiting address
Huone F202B
90220 Oulu
Postal address
Aapistie 7C
FIN-90014 Oulu