Ulrico Celentano

Project Manager
Dependable systems. Natural and artificial intelligent entities, and their interaction.

Biomimetics and Intelligent Systems Group
Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering

Dott.ing. degree in Electronics Engineering (University of Florence, Italy). Doctoral degree in Technology (University of Oulu). Completed block of studies in Psychology (University of Oulu).

Research interests

  • Interacting artificial cognitive systems, human cognition and their social interaction
  • Adaptive dependable systems
  • Privacy protection
  • Technology and ethical issues
  • Transdisciplinarity
  • Citizen science

Researcher information

Researcher profiles

Muotokuva, valokuva

Contact information



Phone number

+358 294 48 2865

Visiting address

Erkki Koiso-Kanttilan katu 3 (door E), Oulu

Postal address

9BISG, P.O.Box 4500, FI-90014 University of Oulu, Finland