Zeeshan Tahir Virk

MSc.(Env), B.E.(Civil)
Doctoral Researcher
Climate, Land, Energy, and Water Nexus

Water, Energy and Environmental Engineering
Faculty of Technology

Profile Picture

Doctoral researcher at Water, Energy, and Environmental Engineering research unit. As part of the Hydrosystems Engineering and Management research group, I am exploring tradeoffs and synergies between Climate, Land, Energy and Water systems, constituting the CLEW - Nexus, at river basin scale in Nordic settings. Currently, I am engaged with WATNEX (Norwegian Research Council) and ECO-River(Academy of Finland) projects.

I hold a master's degree in envionmental engineering from University of Oulu, Finland and bachelor's degree in civil engineering from National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST), Islamabad, Pakistan.

My prior experiece of more than five years expand into multiple research and development themes including agricultural water management; food security and livelihoods, climate change adaptation, urban resilience, disaster risk reduction etc. at institutions like PARC, LEAD, and OXFAM-GB/ADB

Research interests

  • Nexus and Systems Thinking
  • Climate, Land, Energy and Water Systems
  • Tradeoff and Synergy Analyses
  • Hydropower and River Regulation
  • Eco-Hydrology and Eco-Hydraulics
  • Integrated Impact Assessment Modelling

Researcher information


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Phone number


Visiting address

Pentti Kaiteran Katu 1, 90570 Oulu, PR-330

Postal address

Pentti Kaiteran Katu 1, 90570 Oulu, PR-330