Zuomin Zhao

Postdoctoral Researcher
Optoelectronics and Measurement Techniques

Optoelectronics and Measurement Techniques
Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering

Zuomin Zhao received a PhD in Optoelectronics and Measurement Techniques from the University of Oulu, Finland, in 2002, a MS degree in Physical Electronics from the University of Electronic Science and Technology in China, China, in 1988, and a BS in Applied Physics from National University of Defense Technology, China, in 1985. He worked in Medical Imaging, Physics and Technology Unit, University of Oulu, in 2018; previously and now, he worked and works in Biocenter Oulu, and Optoelectronics and Measurement Techniques Unit, University of Oulu from 1996 to 2018, and 2020. His research fields include photoacoustic spectroscopy and imaging, microscopy, tissue optics, laser ultrasonics, piezoelectric ceramic and polymer transducers. . . , photoacoustic and optical measurements.. of scattering materials such as bio-tissues and paper pulp etc., non-invasive blood glucose measurement, laser pulse time flight measurement, and related optical measurement instruments. Dr. Zhao has over 50 publications, including 21 peer-reviewed journal papers, 30 international conference papers, one book chapter, and one patent.

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Erkki Koiso-Kanttilan katu 3, door E
90570 Oulu