Cooperative Diversity Mechanisms for Critical Machine-Type Communications

Thesis event information

Date and time of the thesis defence

Place of the thesis defence

IT115, Linnanmaa

Topic of the dissertation

Cooperative Diversity Mechanisms for Critical Machine-Type Communications

Doctoral candidate

Master of Science Parisa Nouri

Faculty and unit

University of Oulu Graduate School, Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, Centre for Wireless Communications - Radio Technologies

Subject of study

Telecommunication engineering


Professor Jimmy Jessen Nielsen, Aalborg University (AAU)


Professor Hirley Alves, University of Oulu

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Cooperative Diversity Mechanisms for Critical Machine-Type Communications

The goal of this thesis is to study different enablers for IIoT, discuss their associated challenges, research directions, and specifically focus on diversity mechanisms as a potential enabler for URLLC services in the factories of future.

The first part of this thesis provides an overview of potential enablers to meet URLLC requirements. We discuss the corresponding merits and challenges of each technique, and their relevance to IIoT is highlighted. Thereafter, we survey cooperative diversity mechanisms to enable URLLC applications, and meet their corresponding requirements.

The second part focuses on the performance analysis of URLLC via cooperative diversity techniques. Different performance metrics such as reliability, latency, and energy efficiency are studied, and the impact of different parameters such as coding rate, transmission power, pilot power/length, blocklength, and resource allocation under a hard deadline on system performance are examined. We aim to mathematically model and characterize the trade-offs between reliability and latency requirements.

Finally, the last part of the thesis looks beyond the cooperative diversity technique to enable URLLC services for future connectivity.
Last updated: 23.1.2024