Novel magnetic resonance imaging applications utilizing rotating frame relaxations

Thesis event information

Date and time of the thesis defence

Place of the thesis defence

Auditorium 7 (LS7), Oulu University Hospital

Topic of the dissertation

Novel magnetic resonance imaging applications utilizing rotating frame relaxations

Doctoral candidate

MSc Seyed Amir Mirmojarabian

Faculty and unit

University of Oulu Graduate School, Faculty of Medicine, Research Unit of Health Sciences and Technology

Subject of study

Medical Technology


Docent Jani Saunavaara, University of Turku


Docent Timo Liimatainen, University of Oulu

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Novel magnetic resonance imaging applications utilizing rotating frame relaxations

RFR magnetic relaxations provide a powerful methodology for capturing molecular interaction
within biological tissues. Using computational modeling, relaxation methods such as T1ρ have the potential to provide valuable information about the structural composition of biological tisues. The findings indicate that machine learning models can determine cartilage compositional and tructural features with high accuracy when trained with RFR magnetic relaxations.
Last updated: 23.1.2024