Towards Intelligent Machine-Type Communication
Thesis event information
Date and time of the thesis defence
Place of the thesis defence
L2, Linnanmaa campus
Topic of the dissertation
Towards Intelligent Machine-Type Communication
Doctoral candidate
Master of Science Eslam Eldeeb
Faculty and unit
University of Oulu Graduate School, Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, CWC - Radio Technologies
Subject of study
Communications Engineering
Professor Mikael Gidlund, Mid Sweden University
Associate Professor Hirley Alves, University of Oulu
Advances Towards Intelligent Communication System
Recent advances in communication networks towards an intelligent communication system have led to new challenges, such as massive connectivity, massive traffic explosion, and extremely low latency. Thus, the next generation, 6G, must meet a wide range of requirements and use cases. This thesis aims to develop and analyze machine learning-based strategies to efficiently meet the stringent requirements of emerging intelligent communication systems. We utilize the concepts of classic machine learning, deep learning, and deep reinforcement learning as potential solutions to such challenges. The proposed techniques in this thesis enhance challenging performance metrics such as real-time data collection, end-to-end latency, energy efficiency, and spectral efficiency. Our novel ideas outperformed the existing state-of-the-art solutions and have the influence to be developed and increasingly used in other future research directions.
Last updated: 17.1.2025