Diversity, equity and inclusion at the University of Oulu

The University of Oulu fosters diversity and is committed to promoting equality. The purpose of the equality and diversity work carried out at the University is to promote equal and non-discriminating treatment of employees and students, prevent discrimination, and address any flaws.

Every member of the university community is encouraged to promote equality and non-discrimination through their own activities.

The university is committed to promoting equality and diversity

The University aims to ensure that every member of our community feels welcome and is an equal participant in our community. Equality and inclusion applies to everyone regardless of gender, age, ethnic origin, nationality, language, religion, belief, opinion, health, disability, sexual orientation or any other personal factor that creates differences. Promoting diversity and equal treatment among community members are core principles guiding the University's operations. The University of Oulu is committed to advancing diversity and equality throughout all organizational levels including various decision-making, development and assessment processes.

At the University of Oulu, the aim is to have

  • inclusive and accessible working and learning environment where diversity is embraced and where everyone feels included and appreciated
  • HR policies and work culture that reflect equality, inclusion, non-discrimination and trust
  • accessible education to people from diverse backgrounds and clear applicant communication
  • diverse teaching and assessment methods, and available counselling services catering for the different needs of different kinds of learners

The promotion of equality and diversity is a shared responsibility of the entire university community


  • I become acquainted with the equality and diversity plan of the University of Oulu, and I will undergo training and acquire information about equality and non-discrimination.
  • I do not tolerate bullying or harassment. I will take action in instances of bullying or harassment when I see them.
  • I strive to identify implicit racism and eradicate it from the university community.
  • I will strengthen the inclusion of international staff and students by implementing multilingual practices in my own work.
  • I contribute to bolstering a family-friendly culture.
  • When appointing the members of the working groups, I will pay attention to ensuring diversity of representation.
  • When I am involved in recruitment, I take into account the principles of diverse recruitment.
  • As a line manager, I promote equality and equity among employees, for example by promoting equal pay and equal opportunities for career development.

Respectful and appreciative behaviour is everyone's responsibility

Discrimination, harassment or inappropriate behaviour will not be tolerated in the university community. A shared policy has been established to prevent and resolve problematic situations.

Inclusive university community is built through interaction

We can contribute to creating a safe and comfortable learning and working environment through the way we interact and use language, thus promoting the inclusion of all members of the university community.

Accessible university

Accessibility is an important part of equality. Ensuring accessibility of electronic services and facilities aims to ensure equal working and learning conditions for all members of the university community.

Organisation of equality and diversity work at the University of Oulu

The university management promotes and monitors the implementation of the measures of the Equality and diversity plan in the units.

The Equality and Diversity Committee collects and disseminates information and expertise on diversity, equity and inclusion issues to the university community, monitors the inclusiveness of the university environment and organises development activities. In addition, the Committee has the main responsibility for developing and monitoring accessibility work.

Equality and diversity workgroups of the faculties develop policies and undertake initiatives for advancing equality, non-discrimination and accessibility across the university.

In addition, the University of Oulu has an Accessibility Steering Group and an Accessibility Working Group which coordinate and promote accessibility work.

The Student Union and its affiliated student organisations actively raise awareness of equality and non-discrimination issues among students. In the event of any issues, students can contact the Student Union's harassment contact persons.

More information

Equality and Diversity Plan

The diversity, equity and inclusion work of the University of Oulu is based on the Equality and Diversity Plan (pdf) which includes objectives and measures for the 2024–2025 period. The Equality and Diversity Plan includes also Accessibility Plan (pdf).

Equality and Diversity Committee

Chair of the Committee: Vice Rector for Research Taina Pihlajaniemi
Secretary: DEI expert Taina Cooke

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