Genomic and transcriptomic sequencing
For sequencing of multiple targets at the same time, we offer next-generation sequencing using two different platforms: Illumina’s NextSeq550 and Oxford Nanopore Minion.
We offer help in experiment planning and in selection of the most suitable platform.
As number of parameters vary for a sequencing run (type of application, starting material, number of reads, number of samples to be pooled etc.), all new NGS experiments are started by arranging a project initiation meeting. In the initiation meeting all aspects of the project are discussed, including data analysis issues, to assist the researcher in designing the experiment to ensure the optimal experiment setup and sample preparation. Also the cost and schedule estimates are provided in these meetings.
Please contact us by e-mail ngs (at) and fill and attach the NGS Project Request Form to your mail. We will contact you as soon as possible.