Transgenic and Tissue Phenotyping Core Facility
In addition, TTP core coordinates the Finnish participation in the Infrafrontier ESFRI and activities of the Biocenter Finland Model Organisms and FinGMice networks.

Orders and services are requested through iLab. For information and prices, please contact: emma-oulu (at)
iLab is used for reserving instruments at the histology lab, and to request services of tissue slide scanning and of gene-modified mice.
All academic users utilizing the infrastructure are required to acknowledge its use in all their publications resulting from the work done here as follows:
This work/Part of the work was carried out with the support of Biocenter Oulu, Transgenic and Tissue Phenotyping Core Facility, endowed by the University of Oulu, Finland and Biocenter Finland.
Where the TTP Core Facility staff have made a significant contribution to the conduct of the research, it is appropriate that they are acknowledged as co-authors of the publication.
Coordinator Reetta Hinttala, Ph.D., Docent
tel. +358-(0)294 486135
e-mail: reetta.hinttala (at)
Researcher Anne Heikkinen, Ph.D.
tel. +358-(0)294 486133
e-mail: anne.heikkinen (at)
Twitter @BcoTg