Transcultural Encounters Research Center

Transcultural Encounters Research Center (TCERC) examines the both scientifically and socially timely topic of the interactive relationships and interdependencies between different cultural spheres and communities. It is the most significant unit in research conducted within the focus area of Understanding Humans in Change at the University of Oulu. This distinctively multidisciplinary Center studies transcultural encounters, using methods of historical research, cultural and literary research, sociolinguistics and anthropology.


Transcultural Encounters Research Center includes altogether five research communities and over 80 researchers, ranging from internationally established researchers to doctoral students. This multidisciplinary, multilingual and multicultural Center has representatives from the fields of history, archaeology, cultural anthropology, literary research, cultural research, Sámi research, language research and socio-linguistics.

The multidisciplinary and multicultural composition of the center offers a favourable foundation for developing a creative, interactive research community and educating post-graduate students. The center currently includes nearly 40 doctoral students, and it intends to actively recruit more in the near future. Doctoral training is arranged together with UNIOGS.

The researchers in Transcultural Encounters Research Center are connected to different international networks. They have actively participated in international conferences, made research-related visits to foreign universities and research institutes, taken part in scholarly dialogues on various forums and participated in international research projects. The center’s research groups also regularly collaborate internationally.

Research Communities

Principal Investigators

Advisory Board

Backus, Ad - Tilburg University

Bukelevičiūtė, Dalia - Vilniaus universitetas

Inaba, Chiharu - Meijo University

Kotlowski, Dean J. - Salisbury University

Nünning, Ansgar - Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen

Nünning, Vera - Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg

Verschik, Anna - Tallinna Ülikool


Tieto vai mielikuvat? Kohtaamiset, representaatiot ja yhteisöt muuttuvassa maailmassa. Kari Alenius, Maija Kallinen & Maria Julku (toim.). Pohjois-Suomen Historiallinen Yhdistys, Rovaniemi 2019.

Transcultural Encounters II : Understanding Humans in Change. Kari Alenius, Matti Enbuske, Olavi K. Fält, Maija Kallinen, Kuisma Korhonen, Pekka Kuusisto & Henry Oinas-Kukkonen (eds.). Pohjois-Suomen Historiallinen Yhdistys, Rovaniemi 2018.

The Barents and the Baltic Sea Region. Contacts, Influences and Social Change. Kari Alenius & Matti Enbuske (eds.). Pohjois-Suomen Historiallinen Yhdistys, Rovaniemi 2017.

Transcultural Encounters. Kari Alenius & Veli-Pekka Lehtola (eds.). Pohjois-Suomen Historiallinen Yhdistys, Rovaniemi 2015.

Contact Information

Head of the Research Center, University Lecturer in Literature

Pekka Kuusisto

P.O BOX 1000

FI-90014 University of Oulu

room number: GF 317

tel. +358 29 448 3335

email: firstname.lastname(at)