Information Technology and Electrical Engineering. Our research is focused electronics materials and their applications. We provide education to Electrical Engineering Degree Programme with various courses and thesis in Bachelor and Master levels.

Our research is application driven. We first focus on the device or component, and
apply the process technology and material development which fits best to the
application. Materials science provides a strong basis for wide-ranging research, which allows development for various applications including sensors, energy
harvesters and storages, actuators, CNT and 2D materials based semicondutive
components, versatile high frequency passive devices, and their overall integration into a modules.
Our research projects are externally funded by EU programs, Academy of Finland, Business Finland and foundations.
Microelectronics Research Unit has research laboratories and equipment from
developing novel electronics materials to characterizing developed devices. This
infrastrucrture allows us to produce high class scientific results and succesful
co-operation with industry.
Microelectronics Research Unit is coordinating Finnish Research Infrastructure
Committee (FIRI) project funded by the Academy of Finland. The Printed Intelligence Infrastructure (PII) consists of the University of Oulu, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd and Tampere University of Technology.
In addition the research unit has a strong collaboration with Center of Microscopy and Nanotechnology whose equipment and premises are utilised in research.
All publications can be found here:
Microelectronics Research Unit provides teaching at University of Oulu for
undergraduates in Degree Programme in Electronics and Communications Engineering, and also for doctoral students.
In addition to course teaching we instruct Bachelors, Masters and Doctoral thesis in electrical engineering, and also provide multiple traineeship possibilities for electrical engineer students.
The Microelectronics Research Unit is part of the Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering at the University of Oulu.
Leader of the research unit is Jari Juuti.