The OASIS research unit seeks active collaboration with other academic and research organizations, as well as commercial, governmental, and non-governmental organizations on topics related to persuasive design, social influence, behavior change, digital health interventions, user experience, and technology adoption, among others.

Some of our many collaborators:
> University of Tampere, Finland
> University of Jyväskylä, Finland
> University of Helsinki, Finland
> University of Twente, The Netherlands
> University of Wollongong, Australia
> University of Arizona, United States
> Stanford University, United States
> Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, Finland
For more information, please contact:
Professor Harri Oinas-Kukkonen
OASIS Research Unit
Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
University of Oulu
P.O. Box 3000
FIN-90014 Oulu University, Finland
E-mail: firstname.lastname [at]