Research Unit of Health Sciences and Technology

Our goal is to be the leading multidisciplinary research unit in University of Oulu that provides unique high-quality, socially influential health science and technology research and education. We are innovative experts in biomedical engineering and health sciences in the field of digital social and health care. The expertise encompasses multimodal medical imagining including clinical sciences (radiology, radiotherapy, clinical neurophysiology), biomedical engineering, medical physics, medical informatics and biomarkers and health sciences (nursing science, teacher of health sciences, health management).
Our expertise extends into research and developing innovations of medical technology and digital wellbeing, person-center and restorative care, management and education to improve the sustainability and evidence-based health care.
We offer high-quality training in health sciences (nursing science, teacher training and health management) and medical imaging, physics and technology, and share our expertise with businesses nationally and internationally. The research unit has been rapidly growing, by attracting new high-level scientists and by continuous growth through acquisition of external funding.