Theses, dissertations, and departmental publication series
Thesis of University of Oulu and Oamk are published online.
The doctoral dissertations of the University of Oulu are generally published in the series Acta Universitatis Ouluensis. The dissertations are available as openly accessible online publications and also as printed books. Additionally, the series also publishes other peer-reviewed scientific publications, as well as compilations, such as conference publications and festschrifts. The series is divided into eight subseries. Each subseries has its own series editor appointed by the faculty in question.
University of Oulu study materials series
The series has been established to promote the publishing of study materials produced at the University of Oulu, and to improve both the external appearance and the quality of the content of the university’s study materials. By publishing in the series, departments and individual teachers will also have a better chance of gaining merit as producers of study material.
Other University of Oulu series
More detailed editing instructions for research publications are available in the general guidelines for series editors.
ISBN identifier
To apply for an ISBN identifier for a University of Oulu publication, send this form to: