Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory
Geophysical measurements and research since 1914
Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory is a separate department of the University of Oulu, located in the auroral oval, 120 km north of the Arctic Circle.
Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory is a separate department of the University of Oulu, located in the auroral oval, 120 km north of the Arctic Circle.

The Finnish Academy of Sciences established a geophysical observatory in Sodankylä in 1913 to perform geophysical measurements and conduct research based on measurement data. Observatory activities have been continuous and expanding since then. Since the beginning of August 1997, the Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory has been a separate department of the University of Oulu.
Activities based on long-term measurements and research on measurement data have grown and developed strongly over the decades. At present, the observatory area offers the world's most comprehensive monitoring of the Arctic region based on its own measuring equipment and measurements.