Anu Tuomela
Customer Manager, Digipedamentor
innovations, pedagogy, counselling, digitalization, optical emission spectroscopy

Me as a passionate expert and researcher
I work as a Customer Manager and Digipedamentor at the Faculty of Science. As a Customer Manager in our faculty, you can turn to me regarding the following themes:
- Education and working life cooperation, educational business
- Research partnerships with companies and stakeholders
- Marketing and identifying marketing channels
As a Digipedamentor, the staff working in education can turn to me with any teaching-related questions. Here are a few examples:
- Finding suitable digital tools and supporting their use
- Increasing the coherence of students' work
- Planning teaching to meet various needs in a versatile manner
- Developing various guidelines in collaboration with service units and other faculties, most recently guidelines for the use of AI in theses
In the field of research, I am finalizing my doctoral dissertation in the Nano and Molecular Systems Research Unit. My doctoral research focuses on utilizing visible light emission, or luminescence, in materials research, as well as applying optical spectroscopy during the steel production process. In the field of education, I have conducted research related to counselling students in higher education.
Recent peer-reviewed scientific publications
Luminescence in material research
Optical spectroscopy in steelmaking
Counselling in higher education
Tuomela, A., Nurmijärvi, A., Harmoinen, S. (2020). Tapaustutkimus omaopettajaohjauksen tarpeista osana holistisen ohjausmallin mukaista ohjausverkostoa korkeakoulussa, Yliopistopedagogiikka. 1/2020.
Timonen, L., Tuomela, A., Oikarinen, H., Harmoinen, S., (2021). Omaopettajaohjauksen merkityksiä ja kyseenalaistamisia kiinnittymisen viitekehyksessä. Yliopistopedagogiikka. 1/2021.
Let’s smile and chat when we meet!
Research interests
- Luminescence research
- Optical emission spectroscopy in steelmaking
- Adult counselling
Researcher information

Contact information
Visiting address
Room: BF 101-17
Postal address