Pauliina Rautio

Professor of Biodiversity Education
Multispecies education; biodiversity, environmental and sustainability education

General Education
Faculty of Education and Psychology

horse and woman

My transdisciplinary research team AniMate includes scholars of e.g., education, sociology, anthropology and biology. We produce in-depth studies exploring everyday life processes of becoming and being human with other animals, combining ecological citizen science with multispecies education, human-animal studies and the arts, and utilising multispecies (non-anthropocentric) methodologies. We also collaborate with artists working on science fiction literature, dance or fine arts, among others.

As the PI of AniMate, I currently lead several large scale projects on multispecies everyday lives in the framework of environmental social sciences. These include the proof-of-concept project ELOTILA (RCF 2025-2026), research project More than just human homes - HOMINGS (RCF 2024-2028), consortium project (Un)learning with other species (SRC/MUST 2023-2026), and Fellow Feelings (2022‒25) which is externally evaluated as one of Oulu’s flagship projects in human sciences.

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