Veli-Mikko Kauppi

University lecturer
Philosophy of Education

Teacher education, school and society
Faculty of Education and Psychology

Kauppi V-M

I am interested in rethinking our ideas of intelligence. My claim is that education that aims at increasing intelligent action often fails to do so, as it sets out from a flawed idea of intelligence as a property of individuals. I ground my research on the theories of the pragmatist philosopher John Dewey.

I lead the research group SAFE (Social justice at the focus of education) together with Maria Petäjäniemi (TAU). I'm also part of the research groups DEMOED (Philosophy of education for democracy), EMBED (Embodied education), CHEF (Childhood, Ethics and Feminism) and I'm a member of the SCOPE-collective.

Curriculum vitae

Research interests

  • Philosophy of education
  • Pragmatism
  • Education and society
  • Intelligence

Researcher information

Researcher profiles

Contact information


Phone number


Visiting address

KTK 209
Kasvatustieteiden tiedekunta
Oulun yliopisto
PL 2000
90014 Oulun yliopisto