Gender Studies

Gender Studies is an inter-, cross- and multidisciplinary field of studies and research that challenges traditional disciplinary paradigms. Gender Studies plans, provides and develops gender responsible, anti-racist and norm critical teaching and research. Gender Studies hosts two research groups; Fostering Intra-activist Research in and around Education (FIRE) and Research Group for Epistemic Matters (REM).

Research group information

Contact information

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Research group description

Oulu University Gender Studies is situated in the Faculty of education. Gender Studies involves researchers from education, humanities and social sciences as well as researcher with other disciplinary and interdisciplinary backgrounds. Research is carried out in dynamic international research collaboration, around long-term research interests and new openings.

If you are interested in basic and and intermediate studies in Gender Studies, please see the Peppi system for more information. Gender Studies can be found under "Minor subjects and other modules" and "Faculty of Education".

Join the Gender Studies Mailing list

Gender studies hosts a mailing list for staff, students, networks and other people interested in gender studies at the University of Oulu. Please contact the list admin Johanna Hiitola ( and write a few lines about why you wish to join the mailing list.

Research groups

Fostering Intra-activist Research in and around Education (FIRE)

FIRE is a transdisciplinary team of researchers that collaborates closely with artists, media producer, NGOs, educators and children to explore and address gendered and sexual injustices in and around education. The research collective's creative and pedagogical work can be familiarised at

The research group also includes an active research seminar. Please contact Tuija Huuki if you are interested in participating in the seminar (

Research Group for Epistemic Matters (REM)

REM brings together academics from different fields and various universities who are interested in the material aspects of epistemic practices and the complex relationship between knowledge and power.

The research group is starting a research seminar during the Spring 2022. Please contact Johanna Hiitola if you are interested in participating in the seminar (

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