Oulu University Library principles of a safer space

Oulu University Library is committed to providing facilities and services free from harassment, bullying and discrimination for all customers. As one of the means to promote this, the library introduced the principles of safer space in the spring of 2024. These principles were developed in cooperation with the library's customers and staff through a survey – what kind of themes emerged in the survey and how did the principles of a safer space take shape?

In the spring of 2024, we conducted a survey of our customers to determine whether they have experienced or noticed harassment or discrimination at library locations.  We also wanted to find out what makes the library a safer place for them.

A big thank you to all 108 of our customers who responded to our survey! Of the respondents, 68 were students and 44 were staff, so some of the respondents belonged to both groups. Only one respondent was not a staff member or student. Clearly, the majority of respondents (88 people), had not experienced or noticed harassment or discrimination at library locations. However, six of the respondents had experienced or noticed harassment or discrimination sometimes and 11 respondents rarely. Three of the respondents could not say whether they had experienced or noticed harassment or discrimination. The most common forms of harassment or discrimination were disruptive behaviors that had been experienced or noticed by seven of the respondents to the survey, and sexual harassment or harassment that had been experienced or noticed by six respondents.

The answers emphasized the importance and presence of the library staff as a factor that brings safety. There was also an emphasis on silence and tranquility, as well as clear operational and safety instructions. The responses also highlighted themes related to equality, such as the possibility for everyone to use the facilities and services despite possible functional limitations or disabilities.

Based on the answers to the questionnaire, the following principles were formed for the library:

  • Oulu University Library is committed to promoting equality. The library is open to all customers, and the library staff are there for the customers. If you need any assistance, please ask, we shall help you.
  • The library offers various spaces for studying, spending time and for working in groups as well as quiet rooms. We kindly request you to comply with the respective rules concerning noise.
  • We want to make sure that the library working environment is safe and pleasant for all our customers and members of staff. Therefore, we do not tolerate harassment, inappropriate behaviour or discrimination. We respect physical and psychological privacy and personal space.
  • If you witness any inappropriate behaviour on the library premises, please report it to library staff. We shall take further measures.

The survey showed the need for operating instructions and a notification channel in case of harassment situations. The principles of safer space and library-specific instructions can be found on the library's website and both have also been made visible in the library premises.

The guidelines encourage everyone to react to inappropriate treatment, harassment, discrimination, and they make the library a safer space for everyone based on the survey.  However, the development of a safer space is an ongoing process, to which the Oulu University Library has committed itself in the future to ensure safer, more equal and more equal facilities and services for its customers.

Susanna Kouva, Information Services Advisor
Ada-Maria Rantatalo, Information Specialist
Kirsi Vähäkangas, Senior Information Specialist
Oulu University Library

The authors are members of the library's safer space working group, which was awarded for the exemplary implementation of the university's value "taking responsibility" at the University of Oulu Opening Ceremony of the Academic Year 2024–2025.