Weisell Foundation donates 50 000 Euros to the University of Oulu

Weisell Foundation donates 50 000 Euros to the fundraising campaign of the University of Oulu. The donation is allocated to the fields of Technology and Natural Sciences. With the donation the Weisell Foundation wishes to boost the competitiveness of Finnish industries.

Weisell Foundation donates 50 000 Euros to the University of Oulu

“Science is a central pillar in international competitions to many Finnish high technology companies. Without quality research Finland´s competitiveness is weak as we are a country of high expenses. As a scientific hub in the Northern region, the University of Oulu was a natural choice for us to promote the possibilities of Northern Finnish companies to compete internationally,” says Mikko Voipio, the Chair of the Board of the Weisell Foundation.

The University of Oulu’s strength is bringing science and the different actors of society closer together. The University of Oulu’s high-quality research and education have been the basis for the most significant research and innovation hub of the furthest reaches of Northern Europe.

Taina Pihlajaniemi, Vice Rector of the University of Oulu, is delighted about the donation. The impact of the donation is multiplied by the state matched funding.

“I wish to sincerely thank the Weisell Foundation for the donation. Donations are an important support for the work of our researchers. Technology and Natural Sciences play an important role in finding scientific solutions for more sustainable and more intelligent future. Companies are a vital partner in this work, says Pihlajaniemi.

Sitra will capitalise universities with a total of 67 million Euros, which will be distributed in proportion to the private capital collected by the universities by 30 June 2022. The University of Oulu has launched a fundraising campaign to collect private capital and maximise the amount of matched funding. The university will channel the donated funds to activities that, in line with the university’s strategy, strengthen its scientific profile and increase the effectiveness and impact of research through, for example, top recruitments and new research openings.

Weisell Foundation was established in 2016. The purpose of the foundation is to promote the welfare of nature and society. The foundation supports and promotes scientific research, education, state of the environment, maritime safety, the research, and preservation of maritime cultural heritage.

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