Brown Bag Special Edition Seminar: When the veil is thin – grim research topics

Boo! Gather your wits and join us in the Brown Bag Seminars’ first ever special edition seminar on All Hallow’s Eve to learn about some of the grimmer research topics at the University of Oulu and hear scientific perspectives on ghosts, death and other literally dark topics. In this event, we’ll get to hear three presentations from three different faculties and research fields that are all dealing with somewhat grim themes. But don’t worry, it won’t get too scary – maybe... Speakers of this special edition seminar are Vesa-Pekka Herva from the Faculty of Humanities, Lasse Pakanen from the Faculty of Medicine and Henrika Pihlajaniemi from the Faculty of Technology.

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Tellus Backstage, Linnanmaan campus / Zoom



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The temperature drops, things move around inexplicably and a human shaped shadow flashes in the corner of your eye. Ghosts and other supernatural creatures come in many forms and shapes in folklore, urban legends and popular culture. In his presentation, the professor of archaeology, Vesa-Pekka Herva, will discuss ghosts and monsters as theoretical beings and cultural phenomena.

It is a common saying that the dead don’t talk. However, maybe we can still learn something from them, at least if we know where to look. Forensic pathologist Lasse Pakanen will tell us about what we can learn from autopsies and what type of research projects he currently has going on.

We have all been afraid of the dark at some point in our lives and the humankind has always looked for sources of light to drive the darkness away. But have you ever thought that the darkness might also be safe and even beneficial? The associate professor of sustainable architecture, Henrika Pihlajaniemi, will give a presentation concerning current research projects in urban lighting that are focused on the sustainability aspects of darkness and dusk in nowadays often very light polluted cities.

This special edition Brown Bag Seminar will take place on Thursday 31st of October from 2 pm to 3:30 pm at Tellus Backstage on Linnanmaa campus. Light snacks and refreshments will be provided for those who register by Monday 28th of October at 12 pm. The seminar will be held in English.

If you cannot make it to the Linnanmaa campus, you can also participate via Zoom. If you participate via Zoom, you don’t need to register for the event.

Welcome – if you dare!

UniOGS Doctoral Researchers: You can add Brown Bag Seminars (including this special edition seminar) in your personal learning plan and once you have attended 10 Brown Bag Seminars, you can get 0,5 credits of doctoral studies.

The aim of the Brown Bag Seminars is to showcase University of Oulu’s research and to encourage knowledge-sharing and networking amongst our researchers. Once a month, we invite two of our researchers from different fields to talk about their research related to the same topic: now for the first time we try this with a little bit wider special theme. Brown Bag Seminars are open to everyone - come learn something new and join in the conversation!

Last updated: 17.10.2024