Get to know European Synchrotron Radiation Facility – presentation by Dr Sami Vasala

Interested in the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF), x-ray-technology, and all its possibilities in matter research? Welcome to an open presentation!

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The European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) is a joint European research institute where x-rays are used to study materials in many fields, such as chemistry, material physics, archaeology and art history, structural biology and medical applications, environmental sciences, information science, and nanotechnology.

Dr Sami Vasala, a beamline scientist and researcher from ESRF will be joining UniOulu and giving an insightful presentation on the facility and its activities. The presentation is open to anyone interested in the subject. Especially doctoral students and people working in related fields are encouraged to join the discussion!

In 2020, the ESRF opened its completely rebuilt x-ray source, ESRF-EBS (Extremely Brilliant Source), the world’s first fourth-generation high-energy synchrotron. With a brand-new generation of high-energy synchrotrons, the ESRF is the world's brightest x-ray source and an extraordinary new tool for scientists to study the heart of matter.

The ESRF is a cooperation with 21 partner nations, and the use of the facility is free for researchers from the participating nations. This presentation aims to present the ESRF capabilities to researchers and prospective new users and to advise anyone interested in doing experiments at the ESRF with the proposal process and experimental procedures.

European Synchrotron Radiation Facility – a presentation

Friday October 13, 2.30 pm

University of Oulu, Linnanmaa, lecture hall Lo124

Presenter: Dr Sami Vasala, the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility

Register for the presentation on Webropol!

Last updated: 3.10.2023