MINEARC Webinar 2: Mining and Mineral Processing

Various minerals, especially critical raw minerals, are crucial for the modern economy and the green energy transition. This webinar is one of series of webinars in the MINEARC project, and it focuses on mining and mineral processing. 
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University of Oulu/Mikko Törmänen

Event information


Thu 24.10.2024 09:00 - Fri 25.10.2024 16:00

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Online via Zoom



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The webinar brings together various stakeholders from the industry, science, and technology communities involved in mining and mineral processing to share the advances in the modern technology of mining and mineral processing and to discuss the challenges and possible solutions in the current mining industry.

Webinar time (EEST / GMT+3):

9:00—16:00, 24 October, 2024
9:00—15:00, 25 October, 2024

In creation of sustainable mineral ecosystem, we need collaboration among the whole value chain of raw materials, from exploration to mining, mineral processing and recycling, and social and environmental sectors. The focus of this event is on mining and mineral processing of the mineral value chain.

The themes of the webinar:

  • Advanced technology in mining and mineral processing
  • Deep mining
  • Rock fragmentation by blasting
  • Case studies from mines
  • Mine-to-mill
  • Education in mining and mineral processing
  • Flotation separation
  • Upgrading CRMs
  • Flowsheet units
  • Recycling

This event is funded by US Department of States/US Bureau of Energy Resources and co-organized by two projects named AVANTIS and EXCEED funded by Horizon Europe.

More detailed speaker introduction and abstracts of the speeches are given under the webinar program.

PROGRAM for Thursday, October 24th, 2024

Welcome address from US Department of States/US Bureau of Energy Resources
Evan McGlaughlin

Review of minerals sand mining and processing plants
Hossein Masoumi

Digitalization in Kittilä underground mine
Jari Näsi

Brief discussion of some rock mechanics issues in deep underground excavations
Ping Zhang

Drill and blast development at Kuusilampi open-pit mine
Juho Torvi

The emergence of green mining technologies: prospects, challenges, and limitations
Adeyemi Aladejare

Electrification and Automation of Mining – How to make the change and examples from Boliden Mines
Rikard Mäki


Geometallurgy for the modern mining industry
Alan Butcher

Exploring ways to improve the beneficiation of CRMs by investigating the effect of grinding method on chalcopyrite flotation
Mellisa Tanaka Mundida

The importance of water as a reagent in flotation
Kirsten Corin

The role of new processing technologies for CRMs. example of the Concorde Cell
Nathalie Kupka

Graphite beneficiation; opportunities and challenges
Mehdi Parian

Recycling Lithium-Ion Batteries: A Diversity of Approaches
Anna Vanderbruggen

Explainable artificial intelligence in mineral processing-Conscious lab structure
Saeed Chehreh Chelgani

PROGRAM for Friday, October 25th, 2024

Boliden Kevitsa – Metals for generations to come
Pekka Bergström

The fragmentation-energy fan
José A. Sanchidrián

From laboratory rock blasting to practical blasting
Liyuan Chi

Engineering potential of machine learning in reduce ore and profit losses caused by blast-induced rock movement
Zhi Yu



The Importance of Life Cycle Assessment in Mining and Metallurgical Projects
Kostas Komnitsas

Scale-up of sustainable frother formulations – CellFroth: from laboratory to pilot
Ted Nuorivaara

CRM processing and resource efficiency
Saija Luukkanen

Education in mineral processing and filing the gap of talented mineral processing engineers
Maria Sinche Gonzalez

Discussion and close

Invited speakers and abstracts in mining:

Adeyemi Aladejare from University of Oulu

Title: The emergence of green mining technologies: prospects, challenges, and limitations

Abstract: The integration of green mining technologies is aimed at mitigating the environmental impacts of traditional mining practices. Green mining technologies and practices have the potentials to cause significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, improved waste management and lower energy consumption compared to traditional or conventional methods. The future of green mining technologies is promising, driven by ongoing technological advancements. Innovations such as AI-driven analytics, advanced sensors, and automation are poised to revolutionize mining operations. However, there are potential challenges and limitations which must be considered. A notable limitation is the geographic and operational diversity of mining sites. Also, differences in regulatory environments and technological maturity across different regions suggests that the incorporation and implementation of these technologies may vary.

Pekka Bergström from Kevitsa mine

Title: Boliden Kevitsa – Metals for generations to come

Abstract: This presentation will introduce the technologies used in current mining operations in the Kevitsa mine, including (1) research projects on drill and blast optimization collaborated with Oulu Mining School, University of Oulu; (2) Fragmentation cameras; (3) Geotechnical structural mapping (drone / photogrammetry); (4) Slope stability monitoring radars; (5) Trolley haul trucks; (6) Reclamation of the waste rock areas.

Liyuan Chi from University of Oulu

Title: From laboratory rock blasting to practical blasting

Abstract: Highly controlled model-scale rock blasting experiments in the laboratory provide a fundamental understanding of blasting process, such as near-field blasthole pressure, strain field development, fracturing, and fragmentation. A deeper understanding of the mechanism of blasting would contribute to optimization of blasting outcomes in mines. For example, through minor adjustments in blast design, such as primer position, subdrilling, and charging, improvements can be made in rock fragmentation, muckpile diggability, and rock damage control.

Hossein Masoumi from Monash University

Title: Review of minerals sand mining and processing plants

Abstract: Heavy mineral sands (HMS) are typically mined from beach sand deposits and then further refined to produce valuable products which have a wide range of applications. The involved processes require a significant amount of energy, which contributes to environment impacts. Comprehensive quantitative life cycle assessment (LCA) across the whole processing chain is needed to derive this information. This presentation reviews what LCAs have been carried out in relation to HMS processing and the key gaps in the data, as well as the unit processes across the processing chain that require energy input, and again key gaps in the previous compilations.

Rikard Mäki from Boliden AB

Title: Electrification and Automation of Mining – How to make the change and examples from Boliden Mines

Abstract: The successful introduction of automation and electrification to mining is critical in order to reach safety and productivity targets in the mine operations as well as to meet corporate climate targets for 2030 and 2040. This presentation will cover the reasons for introducing electrification and automation as well as some important considerations to be successful with the implementations. The presentation will also cover a few examples of recent projects within Boliden’s open-pit and underground operations.

Jari Näsi from Agnico Eagle

Title: Digitalization in Kittilä underground mine

Abstract: This presentation will summarize test results and latest development steps in autonomous loading and hauling trials and built up of the 5G network to the Kittilä Mine test area. Tests have been part of the EU-funded NEXGEN SIMS-project, where several connectivity, autonomous material handling and rock stress monitoring solutions have been developed and tested.

José A. Sanchidrián from Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Minas y Energía

Title: The fragmentation-energy fan

Abstract:This presentation will in detail introduce the newly-developed fragment size distribution function—Fragmentation-energy fan. The function was initially developed for rock blasting in mining, but it can be also applied to drop weight tests for determining the breakage properties of ores in mineral processing.

Juho Torvi from Terrafame mine

Title: Drill and blast development at Kuusilampi open-pit mine

Abstract: This presentation will introduce the development of safety and productivity of drilling and blasting operation at the Terrafame mine. Blasting parameters like charging factor, stemming length and point of detonation have been tested. The impact of hole spacing and diameter on pre-split blasting results at the mine will be presented.

Zhi Yu from Fuzhou University and University of Oulu

Title: Engineering potential of machine learning in reduce ore and profit losses caused by blast-induced rock movement

Abstract: During open-pit bench blasting, the burden of waste rock or ore mass is typically fragmented and thrown towards the bench face, resulting in significant variation in ore and waste distribution before and after the blast. Ignoring the impact of rock fragment movement on ore and waste distribution can lead to substantial ore loss and dilution during shovel loading. This presentation will introduce the application of machine learning techniques in predicting rock movement distances, analyzing post-blast ore boundaries, and determining dig-limits to reduce ore and profit losses caused by blast-induced rock movement.

Ping Zhang from Luleå University of Technology

Title: Brief discussion of some rock mechanics issues in deep underground excavations

Abstract: The stability of deep underground excavations is a common issue in a variety of rock engineering projects, including mining, tunnelling, gas storage cavern, underground powerhouse, etc. When an underground project is constructed from shallow to deep location, a direct consequence of this transition is an increase in rock pressure-related problems. This presentation will discuss the role of rock mechanics in the design and operation of deep underground excavations as well as challenges in rock mechanics to ensure future sustainable mining and tunnelling at great depth.

Invited speakers and abstracts in mineral processing:

Saeed Chehreh Chelgani from Luleå University of Technology

Title: Explainable artificial intelligence in mineral processing-Conscious lab structure

Abstract: As a new approach, conscious-lab ‘‘CL” is a tactical plan for understanding, modeling, and predicting interaction within industrial variables. CL uses existing monitored data collected from industrial plants for generating explainable AI (EAI) models. This strategic approach can develop an accurate dynamic AI system that reduces laboratory work costs, removes the scale-up challenges, saves time, and makes decisions based on the plant’s actual operational properties (not based on the ideal theoretical aspect). As an example, this study used the CL concept for modeling flotation responses of an industrial copper upgrading plant when Potassium Amyl Xanthate substituted the secondary collector (Sodium Ethyl Xanthate) in the process. The main aim is to understand and compare interactions before and after the collector substitution. The CL was constructed based on the most advanced explainable artificial intelligence model, Shapley Additive Explanations, and Catboost. Catboost- Shapley Additive Explanations could accurately model flotation responses (less than 2% error between actual and predicted values) and illustrate variations of complex interactions through the collector substitution.

Kirsten Corin from University of Cape Town

Title: The importance of water as a reagent in flotation

Abstract: Recently, water has become a major focus for the mining industry across the globe. With water shortages and restrictions on the use of water, many operations are under pressure to reduce their overall water consumption. While this problem is the same for many industrial operations in water scarce regions, environmental restrictions even in areas where there is no shortage of water have limited the amount and quality of the effluents which may be discharged from a mining site. This has led many operations to consider the reuse and recycling of much of their onsite plant water, causing an increase in the dissolved ions and reagents present within the flotation system. Understanding the impact of changing water quality is vital for the industry.

Maria Sinche Gonzalez from University of Oulu

Title: Education in mineral processing and filing the gap of talented mineral processing engineers

Abstract: Mining countries such as Australia and the EEUU have recognized the lack of mineral processing engineers as the demand for mineral resources increases for energy transition and climate change mitigation. But also, the need is due to the complexity of extraction, refining, quality control, environmental impact, supply chain and regulatory requirements associated with the increased demand of minerals and metals. Within the European Union (EU), there is an acknowledged requirement for clean energy technologies that rely on critical minerals such as copper, lithium, cobalt, nickel, and rare earth elements. Also, there is a desire of the EU to be less dependent on the supply of critical raw materials (CRM) and from the thirty-four listed in 2024 (European Council, 2024), seventeen are strategic raw materials whose demand is expected to grow exponentially and whose extraction and production are complex and are therefore at greater risk of supply. However, while the EEUU and Australia have delineated a road map in education (Drinkwater, 2017) emphasising on the more technical and skilled professionals for resolving the workforce and a talent crunch in mineral processing. In the EU, there are only a few attempts at filling the gap in education of talented mineral processing engineers. For example, the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master in Sustainable Mineral and Metal Processing Engineering, EMJM PROMISE, is the first program focusing on mineral processing specialization. EMJM PROMISE is the result of proactive efforts to engage partners in related fields. PROMISE is conducted in collaboration of the University of Oulu (Finland) with Montauniversität Leoben (Austria), University of Zagreb (Croatia), and Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria-Chile (Chile). Furthermore, PROMISE forges connections with 42 Associated Partners, including 23 mining companies, 4 recycling companies, 4 research centres, 6 mining suppliers, and 3 universities. The wide spectrum of partners, each distinguished by their specialized expertise, enrich students' comprehension of the mineral processing value chain. This spans the entirety of stages, from the initial extraction of raw materials to the final delivery of concentrates.

Kostas Komnitsas from Univ of Crete

Title: The Importance of Life Cycle Assessment in Mining and Metallurgical Projects

Abstract: Critical Raw Materials (CRMs) are very important for the economy and several necessary technologies for strategic sectors such as aerospace, defense, digital and renewable energy. The development of a climate-neutral economy by 2050, that sustains the green and digital transitions and achieves strategic autonomy, relies heavily on reliable, secure and resilient access to CRMs.

Life cycle assessment (LCA) can be used to quantify the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and energy use associated with the production of critical and strategic metals by considering all production stages (exploration, mining, beneficiation, metallurgy, purification, waste management and valorization). LCA can identify the stages that contribute most to environmental impacts for each impact category (e.g acidification potential (AP), eutrophication potential (EP), global warming potential (GWP), land use (LU), cumulative energy demand (CED), etc).

Nathalie Kupka from Metso

Title: The role of new processing technologies for CRMs example of the Concorde Cell

Abstract: In mineral processing applications, fine to ultrafine particles are generally understood as being smaller than 20 to 30µm, Flotation usually operates most efficiently when particle size is within a specific range, roughly 20 and 150µm. It is well known that outside of the typical range, metallurgical efficiency drops both for coarser and finer particles. Yet, with declining ore bodies and more and more disseminated minerals, the ability to recover fine particles is becoming determinant in the froth flotation of any kind of ores in general, but especially for metals critical to the green and digital transition. The Concorde Cell is an enhanced pneumatic high-intensity forced-air flotation type of technology conceptualized in the 2010s and launched as a product by Metso in 2021. It relies on a high shearing rate and finer bubbles to increase the kinetics of fine particles. Results with copper, nickel and graphite at various scales will be presented.

Saija Luukkanen from University of Oulu

Title: CRM processing and resource efficiency

Abstract: A secure supply of sustainable raw materials is crucial for the green and digital transition. A transition to a low carbon society will require vast amounts of metals and minerals and -despite the increasing recycling rates- to respond to the increased demand for commodities, increased volumes of primary ores need to be mined. More mining means that more inputs in the form of energy, water, capital and labour are required for the same output and at the same time larger volumes of waste are generated.

The current mineral processing methods used are highly water intensive and, consequently, there is increasing interest in finding alternative solutions to produce raw material concentrates using little or no water. Increasing environmental and social challenges and risks related to water and tailings management act as drivers to finding solutions for reducing water in mining operations.

Low-grade complex ores require energy-efficient solutions for liberating fine-grained commodities for processing while, at the same time, it is a challenge to deal with the increased amount of fine-grained waste material. The more effectively the size reduction can be carried out in the preceding operations, the less energy is needed for actual grinding. Moreover, removal of waste rock from the flow stream prior to energy-intensive grinding has a positive impact on the overall energy efficiency, due to the reduced volume of waste material to be processed by downstream equipment. Efficient handling in the rock breakage chain from mine to mill, from blasting to grinding, requires a comprehensive view of the rock type and characteristics which highlights the need for close collaborations between mine geologist, mining engineers and process engineers.

Mellisa Tanaka Mundida from Comminution Reimagined Sweden AB

Title: Exploring ways to improve the beneficiation of CRMs by investigating the effect of grinding method on chalcopyrite flotation

Abstract: Based on the recently updated EU critical raw materials list, copper was identified as a strategic raw material due to low substitution potential and relatively high economic importance. It therefore highlights the need for improved utilisation and efficiency of current copper deposits and processing plants to prevent future criticality. This research is focused on evaluating the process performance of products from alternative comminution methods with energy saving potential, the Accurate Rock Breakage System (ARBS) and Vertical Roller Mill (VRM), compared to traditional tumbling mills. While it is critical to improve comminution efficiencies as the largest energy expenditure, the main goal in mineral processing is to ensure an optimum grade and recovery of valuable minerals. Comminution devices and environments have been noted to influence the performance of beneficiation processes. The work includes analysis of a chalcopyrite ore ground with three different mills and results from laboratory-scale rougher flotation tests at constant conditions. The flotation feed of the rod mill, as a reference, was prepared at comparable particle size distribution P80 as that of the ARBS and VRM samples. Test results show higher mineral liberation in fine to coarse particles, and consequently better flotation performance when the ARBS mill is used. Additionally, the ARBS product has faster flotation kinetics and highest separation efficiency than the VRM and rod mill.

Ted Nuorivaara from Geological Survey of Finland & Rodrigo Serna, Aalto University

Title: Scale-up of sustainable frother formulations – CellFroth: from laboratory to pilot

Abstract: The EU needs locally sourced raw materials. We find ourselves in a dilemma, where we should accommodate the increasing demand for primary raw materials while simultaneously facing declining ore grades, increasing environmental concerns and stricter regulations. Our industry is under increasing pressure to demonstrate our commitment to sustainability. A proposed contribution towards this goal is to explore the change from petroleum product derivates to sustainably sourced flotation reagents. CellFroth is the collective name for a family of novel cellulose-based frothers originally developed in Aalto University.

CellFroth formulations have been studied and developed in laboratory conditions, and the next step is to explore conditions approaching those in industrial operations. Hereby, we present results from a multi-stage flotation campaign conducted with an industrial copper ore, including both laboratory and pilot-scale experiments. The benefits offered by this novel frother formulation are discussed, including potential avenues for future development.

Mehdi Parian from Luleå University of Technology

Title: Graphite beneficiation; opportunities and challenges

Abstract: Graphite, a critical material essential for the green transition and the production of electrical batteries, requires beneficiation to meet high-grade purity demands. The beneficiation processes include flotation, gravity separation, and electrical separation. Flotation removes silicate minerals due to graphite's floatability; gravity separation excludes high-density minerals like pyrite, and electrical separation utilizes graphite's conductivity. Crystalline graphite beneficiation primarily uses flotation with multi-stage grinding to preserve large flakes, employing reagents like kerosene and diesel oil. Cryptocrystalline graphite, with high feed grade, involves simpler crushing, drying, and grinding processes. Therefore, understanding graphite characteristics is essential for deciding and designing beneficiation processes.

Anna Vanderbruggen Lorraine University

Title: Recycling Lithium-Ion Batteries: A Diversity of Approaches

Abstract: As the demand for lithium-ion batteries continues to surge, driven by the rapid growth of electric vehicles and renewable energy storage systems, the need for efficient recycling methods becomes increasingly critical. This talk will first explain the complex structure of lithium-ion batteries and their components. These various components of LIBs can be potentially recovered through carefully designed processing routes, involving combinations of mechanical pre-processing, pyrometallurgy, and/or hydrometallurgy. Depending on the chosen process, different components can be recovered or lost. This presentation will explore the diversity of recycling routes and the potential for direct recycling of LIBs.

Additional info

Prof. Zongxian Zhang
Oulu Mining School, University of Oulu
Email: Zongxian.zhang@oulu.fi

Prof. Saeed Chehreh Chelgani
Luleå University of Technology
Email: saeed.chelgani@ltu.se

Dr. Anu Sirviö
Faculty of Technology, University of Oulu
email: anu.sirvio@oulu.fi

Last updated: 17.10.2024