Public event: 60 years of research in the Northern Finland Birth Cohorts

The Northern Finland Birth Cohorts and Research Unit of Population Health are organising a public event alongside the fifth Paula Rantakallio Symposium on 12th of June. The event will be held in Finnish.

Event information


Wed 12.06.2024 17:30 - 20:00

Venue location

Leena Palotie auditorium, Kontinkangas campus, University of Oulu (Aapistie 5 A, Oulu)



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During the event, speakers from different medical research fields will discuss studies utilising data from the Northern Finland Birth Cohorts of 1966 and 1986. A speech from the study participant point of view will also be given. Following the presentations, coffee and pulla will be served, providing attendees with an opportunity to meet the speakers.

The event is free of charge and will be conducted exclusively in Finnish.

We warmly welcome all everyone who is interested in the topic!

Day: 12th of June 2024

Time: presentations at 17:30–19:00 and coffee and networking at 19:00–20:00

Place: Leena Palotie auditorium, Kontinkangas campus, University of Oulu (Aapistie 5 A, Oulu)


17.30 Terhi Piltonen, Professor in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Oulu University Hospital

17.45 Kirsi Sipilä, Professor of Prosthetic Dentistry and Stomatognathic Physiology, University of Oulu

18.00 Raija Korpelainen, Professor of Health Exercise, University of Oulu and Oulu Deaconess Institute

18.15 Leena Ala-Mursula, Professor of Occupational Health, University of Oulu

18.30 Minna Ruddock, Research Director of the Northern Finnish Birth Cohorts

18.45 Tuula Kurkisuo, member of the Northern Finland Birth Cohort

19 – 20 Coffee is served in the lobby area

The event will be hosted by Professor of Clinical Epidemiology Jouko Miettunen from the University of Oulu.

The event can be followed remotely at

Please note that the program is subject to change.

Last updated: 12.6.2024