Prevention of bullying and harassment at the University of Oulu
The University of Oulu has zero tolerance for bullying or harassment: inappropriate behavior of any kind is not accepted. The University of Oulu requires appropriate good conduct of all members of the university community and does not accept inappropriate treatment, bullying or sexual or gender-related harassment of any kind. The basis here is mutual respect: all members of the university community must be able to feel respected by others. Everyone has a responsibility to prevent bullying and harassment.
The University of Oulu has a procedure of submitting a report of experienced bullying/harassment, with which a student or employee can submit a request to process an experienced bullying or harassment situation in accordance with the operating model of the University of Oulu.
If you experience inappropriate treatment:
- Talk to the other party and tell them about your experience.
- Tell them in a calm manner that you don't like their behaviour. Ask them to stop. Write down what happened.
- If necessary, ask for support from another student, the harassment contact person of the OYY Student Union or the harassment coordinator at University of Oulu, or harassment contact person for students
in your faculty. A faculty-specific list of these people can be found at the bottom of this page. - If you cannot or do not want to contact the person or if the behaviour continues, submit an official notification of inappropriate treatment.