Printing service
On this page you can find information, how you print and scan, how to register your card in the printing service and how you can buy printing balance.
Printing guidelines
Security printing is possible from campus computers, and anywhere from your email to the address You can also scan to your email.
Pick up your prints
Retrieve your print from any of multi-function devices, log on to the printer using your username (account@student) or RFID card.
Printing quota and price list
Printing is subject to a charge and possible within your print balance. Buy the balance in advance at the web store.
Links to the webstores where you can buy printing balance, software licences and 24/7 Campus Card.
Canon Service Engineer
For any printing issues, you will be guided by Canon service engineer who works on campus. Contacts via email:
- If a contact applies to a certain device, attach the serial number which is visibly up in the sticker.