Software for students use
Access to programs acquired with the university licence is tied to the validity of your user account. Usually the licence to use the software ends when the studying ends.
The software for personal computer are downloaded either from the software distribution service maintained by ICT Services or from a certain web store or web page. Always read first the instructions about the software installation.
The software distribution is a service of ICT Services from where software can be downloaded into own use according to the licence conditions of each software.
The software are either free of charge or either a license code should be purchased before downloading. Licenses of some programs allow installation only for a specific group; students or staff.
In the software distribution there also are installation instructions and licencing agreements, they are worthwhile to read carefully before the installing of the software.
Link to the distribution service:
- Use university's short user account to sign in
Campus ICT support service for students
Contact information on the page