Graduation: Licentiate of Medicine
Once all the required courses have been completed and added in the study register, the student may apply for graduation and a diploma. Remember to check the schedule for graduations! The diploma conferment ceremonies are held in the end of spring semester in the faculty. You apply for the degree certificate in Peppi's Graduation -service. Remember to check your faculty’s schedule for graduations and register for Maturity Test.
When you are about to graduate, please check out your studies (your PSP in Peppi) and credits that everything is there. After that, apply for degree certificate, diploma, in Peppi’s Graduation -service.
There are two phases in Graduation -service:
- reviewing
- finalizing.
In this first phase you will proceed straight to the degree certificate application, which is also the checking list for graduation. After you have sent your application, the officer will review your studies, your PSP in Peppi and credits. If your application needs to be completed or corrected, you will be informed. Otherwise your application will automatically proceed.
In finalizing phase all information related to graduation will be reviewed and graduation date confirmed. After all your information has been processed, you get notification of the acceptance and confirmation of the graduation date.
After graduation, A Licentiate of Medicine can apply a license from National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health (Valvira) to work as a professional physician or dentist.
You can also apply for Complementary Study Right in Peppi.
N.B.! Students who graduate 2022/08/01 or later will receive the official degree certificate as Electronic degree certificate. In addition they will receive a paper copy of the degree certificate. Read further instructions by clicking the link below. Students who graduated before 1st of August will receive the official degree certificate as a paper version from the Academic Affairs Service Team.
For you
Faculty of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine
Follow the general instructions above.
Faculty of Science
Follow the general instructions above.
Faculty of Technology
Follow the general instructions above.
Faculty of Humanities
Follow the general instructions above.
Faculty of Education and Psychology
Follow the general instructions above.
Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
Follow the general instructions above.
Oulu Business School
Follow the general instructions above.
Laillistaminen lääketieteen lisensiaatin tutkinnon perusteella
Sosiaali- ja terveysalan lupa- ja valvontavirasto Valvira ( myöntää hakemuksesta henkilölle, joka on suorittanut lääkärin ammattiin johtavan peruskoulutuksen Suomessa, oikeuden harjoittaa lääkärin ammattia laillistettuna ammattihenkilönä (Laki terveydenhuollon ammattihenkilöistä annetun lain muuttamisesta 312/2011, 4§). Ammatinharjoittamisoikeuden myöntämisen yhteydessä valmistunut lääketieteenlisensiaatti merkitään Valviran ylläpitämään terveydenhuollon ammattihenkilöiden keskusrekisteriin (Terhikki).
Laillistus lääketieteen lisensiaattitutkinnon jälkeen
Ohje lääkäreille:
Sähköisen asioinnin hakemusohjeet:
Laillistaminen hammaslääketieteen lisensiaatin tutkinnon perusteella
Sosiaali- ja terveysalan lupa- ja valvontavirasto Valvira ( myöntää hakemuksesta henkilölle, joka on suorittanut hammaslääkärin ammattiin johtavan peruskoulutuksen Suomessa, oikeuden harjoittaa hammaslääkärin ammattia laillistettuna ammattihenkilönä (Laki terveydenhuollon ammattihenkilöistä annetun lain muuttamisesta 312/2011, 4§). Ammatinharjoittamisoikeuden myöntämisen yhteydessä valmistunut hammaslääketieteen lisensiaatti merkitään Valviran ylläpitämään terveydenhuollon ammattihenkilöiden keskusrekisteriin (Terhikki).
Perustutkinnon pohjalta tapahtuva laillistus koskee hammaslääkäreitä, jotka aloittavat hammaslääkärin tutkintoon johtavat opintonsa 1.8.2011 ( Laki yliopistolain 40§:n muuttamisesta 315/2011) tai jotka siirtyvät opiskelemaan 1.8.2013 lähtien 5,5 vuoden (330 op) pituiseen hammaslääkärin tutkintoon, johon sisältyy kuuden kuukauden pituinen käytännön syventävä harjoittelu ( muutos asetukseen yliopistojen tutkinnoista 351/2011). Hammaslääkäreille, jotka suorittavat yliopistolain 558/2009 mukaisen hammaslääketieteen lisensiaatin tutkinnon, myönnetään itsenäiset hammaslääkärin oikeudet 9 kuukauden terveyskeskuspalvelun jälkeen.
Laillistus hammaslääketieteen lisensiaattitutkinnon jälkeen
Ohje hammaslääkäreille:
Sähköisen asioinnin hakemusohjeet:
Follow the general instructions above.
Follow the general instructions above.
Follow the general instructions above.
Physical Sciences
Follow the general instructions above.
Subject Teacher training, FSci
Follow the general instructions above.
Computational biology and data-analysis
Follow the general instructions above.
Mathematical Sciences
Follow the general instructions above.
Process and Environmental Engineering
Follow the general instructions above.
Industrial Engineering and Management
Follow the general instructions above.
Subject Teacher training, Chemistry
Follow the general instructions above.
Follow the general instructions above.
Follow the general instructions above.
Mining engineering and mineral processing
Follow the general instructions above.
Follow the general instructions above.
Mechanical Engineering
Follow the general instructions above.
Civil Engineering
Follow the general instructions above.
Subject Teacher training, FHum
Follow the general instructions above.
Follow the general instructions above.
Follow the general instructions above.
Follow the general instructions above.
Information Studies
Follow the general instructions above.
Follow the general instructions above.
Cultural Anthropology
Follow the general instructions above.
Follow the general instructions above.
German language and culture
Follow the general instructions above.
Swedish Language
Follow the general instructions above.
Finnish Language
Follow the general instructions above.
Saami Culture
Follow the general instructions above.
Science Communication, MA
Follow the general instructions above.
Saami Language
Follow the general instructions above.
History of Sciences and Ideas
Follow the general instructions above.
Subject Teacher training
Follow the general instructions above.
Learning Sciences
Follow the general instructions above.
Primary Teacher Education
Follow the general instructions above.
Follow the general instructions above.
Learning, Education and Technology
Follow the general instructions above.
Music Education
Follow the general instructions above.
Special Education
Follow the general instructions above.
Intercultural Teacher Education
Follow the general instructions above.
Early Childhood Education
Follow the general instructions above.
Education Science and Educational Psychology
Follow the general instructions above.
Education and Globalisation
Follow the general instructions above.
Business Analytics MSc (Tech)
Follow the general instructions above.
Digitalisation, Computing and Electronics
Follow the general instructions above.
Electronics and Communications Engineering
Follow the general instructions above.
Biomedical Engineering
Follow the general instructions above.
Information Processing Science
Follow the general instructions above.
Computer Science and Engineering
Follow the general instructions above.
Epidemiology and Biomedical Data Science
Follow the general instructions above.
Medical and Wellness Technology
Follow the general instructions above.
Biomedical Engineering MHSc
Follow the general instructions above.
Health Sciences
Follow the general instructions above.
Economics and Business Administration BSc
Follow the general instructions above.
International Business Management (BSc EBA)
Follow the general instructions above.
International Business Management (MSc EBA)
Follow the general instructions above.
Financial and Management Accounting (MSc EBA)
Follow the general instructions above.
Business Analytics (MSc EBA)
Follow the general instructions above.
Marketing (MSc EBA)
Follow the general instructions above.
Finance (MSc EBA)
Follow the general instructions above.
Economics (MSc EBA)
Follow the general instructions above.
Economics and Business Administration MSc
Follow the general instructions above.