Applicant's Day brings thousands of young people to Linnanmaa on 1–2 November – Congestion expected in restaurants and hallways

The University of Oulu and Oulu University of Applied Sciences (Oamk) will organise Hakijan päivä event for applicants in Linnanmaa on 1–2 November 2023. In the event we will help upper secondary level students to find their future place and field of study. On the first day of the event there will be around 3,000 young people and on the second day about 2,800 young people mainly from the north but also from other parts of Finland.

During the event days, congestion is expected, especially in restaurants and along Väylä, where the event's presentation points are located.

In the event, the University of Oulu introduces all more than 40 bachelor's programmes and some of the master's programmes from eight faculties. There are educational experts and students to answer the questions of the participants. The open university will also be presented, as it provides an open pathway as an opportunity to enter university studies.

The event has been called Oulun korkeakoulupäivä in the previous two years and the fair has been organised in Ouluhalli. Before that, the university organised Abipäivät on the Linnanmaa campus and Oamk Avoimet ovet event on its campuses for a long time. Events have always been popular.

"The event will now make a return to Linnanmaa at the wish of the visitors and will be held for the first time in the common spaces of the University of Oulu and Oulu University of Applied Sciences. Based on the visitor feedback, the studetn counsellors and participants want to see and experience a genuine campus environment," says Marketing Designer Elisa Härkönen from the University of Oulu.

Hakijan päivä's programme (in Finnish)

Last updated: 30.10.2023