Apply to become a student tutor or kummi student until 21.2.!

The application period to become a student tutor/kummi student has been extended until 21.2.

Apply to become a student tutor for the year 2022-2023. You can work as a tutor for bachelor level students starting their studies in the autumn of 2022, as a tutor for students in international programs or as a tutor / kummi for incoming exchange students. As a student tutor or kummi student you are ready to introduce new students to their studies and to university, and you are there when new students arrive. All student tutors will be trained to their role during Spring 2022.

For student tutoring, you will receive payment, a work certificate and, depending on the faculty, you may also receive credits. Above all, however, you get to meet new people, learn new skills, and gain new experiences.

We expect that your studies have been successful and that you are responsible. If you are applying as a kummi student, your English language skills must be such that you can cope. Different students still need different kinds of student tutors, so please apply! Faculties and degree programs are responsible for applying for and naming student tutors. If necessary, contact the student tutoring contact person of your degree program for more information.

The application lasts until Monday 21.2. More information below:

If your interest but you are still unsure, or have questions, you can send an email to:

niina.marostenmaki (at) (student tutors)

ulla.alanko (at) (kummi students)

Last updated: 16.2.2022