The Collegium named group to prepare the selection of external members the Board

The term of the non-university community members of the Board of Directors of the University of Oulu expires at the end of 2025. In its’ meeting on 29 August 2024, the Collegium of the University of Oulu named a working group from among its members to prepare the selection process.

The members of the group, following the tripartite principle, are professors Aki Manninen and Matti Alatalo, staff representatives Timo Kokkonen and Pirkko Viitala, and students Lotta Ellonen ja Saana Wahlström. According to the Universities Act, non-university community members are elected by the University Collegium, which also decides on the length of the term. Five of the eleven members of the Board come from outside the university community. Staff representatives are elected by administration elections and student representatives are elected by the Student Union of the University of Oulu.

As student member Chenhao Song resigns from the University Collegium, his personal deputy Ly Nguyen will become a full member. The Student Council of the Student Union of the University of Oulu will decide on the selection of a new deputy member.

In the meeting on 26 August, the University Collegium prepared advisory opinion to provide views on the Rector candidates to support the Board’s decision-making process. The Board of Directors will select the new Rector for a five-year term starting on 1 January 2025, during the autumn.

University Collegium

Last updated: 30.8.2024