The data collection for the property strategy work is underway

During the data collection phase of the property strategy work, initiated by the Board of Directors in the autumn of 2024, interviews and workshops will be organized for the university community in a total of 12 different groups. The groups from the eight faculties, separate and infrastructure units, the library, university services, and the Student Union of the University of Oulu (OYY) have met for the first time after the winter break. Members of the OYY’s Student Council, Board, and experts participated in the group interview.
The work in the data collection phase of the property strategy will proceed through the following stages during the spring:
- Group interviews: March 11–13
- Property survey tour of the infrastructure units: April 1
- Workshops: April 2–4
- Synergy workshops: April 23–24
The goal of the group interviews has been to gather extensive information from different user groups about space needs and functionality. Participants were asked about the current spaces of faculties and communities, as well as aspects of the spaces that are functioning well or require improvement. Discussions with the students particularly focused on guild spaces and independent study areas. Discussions will continue in the coming weeks at the research and service unit level based on common questions.
The property strategy will be discussed in the OYY advocacy section on April 10th, where the views and needs of the student societies will be particularly gathered. All students are welcome to participate!
In April, the work will continue with workshops in the same 12 different groups. At the end of April, four thematic synergy workshops will be organized. The themes of these workshops are: 1) Urban connection, stakeholder collaboration, leisure, and campus greenery; 2) Laboratories and research environments including infrastructure; 3) Services and work environments; and 4) Learning environments. Experts from Arco Architecture Company will act as facilitation partners in the group interviews and workshops.
The property strategy work takes into account the campus vision work carried out in 2022. In the campus survey conducted for the university community at that time, the key themes that emerged were community, campus unity, opportunities for interaction, shared spaces, events, and interdisciplinarity. The property strategy work moves a step forward from the vision level to the mapping of functions and identification of functional space solutions.
Based on the data collected during the data collection phase and other background materials, 2-3 alternative scenarios will be formulated. These scenarios will be developed by the expert partner, Architecture Company Arco. The scenario proposals for the property strategy work will address the estimated future space needs required by the functions and the options for the placement of these functions. Additionally, the scenarios will examine the potential synergy benefits of shared use based on the functions.
A property strategy is currently being compiled for the University of Oulu, taking into account changes in the operating environment, demographic trends, and economic situation as a whole. The property strategy work involves broad participation from the university community and identifies the specific needs of different user groups. The aim is to create an activity-based space usage model that promotes synergy and collaboration across unit boundaries. The property strategy should support the university’s attractiveness to ensure the future of the University of Oulu for decades to come. The proposal for the property strategy of the University of Oulu will be completed in May and is intended to be presented to the University Board of Directors in June.
Read more:
Information about the members of the property strategy working group on staff intranet Patio (sign in with university credentials)