Diploma Conferment Ceremony will be held virtually on 17 June

Save the date! The Diploma Conferment Ceremony of the University of Oulu will be held virtually on 17 June at 2 p.m.
Hands raising a toast towards the blue sky..

All those who have graduated from the University of Oulu in 2020 and 2021 with a bachelor's or master's degree, their relatives, staff and alumni are welcome to attend the event.

The programme includes congratulatory speeches and music. Graduates and the audience can attend the festivities remotely. The language of the programme is Finnish and English. The detailed programme will be published closer to the event.

There is no pre-registration for the event. The event link will be published at the event calendar of UniOulu homepage before the ceremony. We will also inform about the event on our social media channels, student email and UniOulu Alumni Community, where all graduates are welcome to join.

Due to the coronavirus situation, the faculties have not been able to organise graduation ceremonies on campuses for more than a year. We want to celebrate all those who have graduated during the exceptional period with a virtual ceremony.

Warmly welcome!

All graduates are welcome to join the UniOulu Alumni Community!

When you graduate from the University of Oulu you become an alumni of the University of Oulu. All graduates are welcome to join the UniOulu Alimni Community, a free-of-charge service open to all alumni. As a member, you can subscribe the University of Oulu e-newsletter, event invitations, news from your own field and other alumni related communications. In the platform it's easy to reach out to other alumni and create interesting content for the community. Welcome!

Last updated: 4.5.2021