Merited people were awarded at the opening ceremony of the academic year

At the opening of the academic year on September 4, 2023, meritorious persons in the university community were awarded.
Seitsemän avajaisjuhlassa palkittua yliopistolaista seisoo rivissä Saalastinsalin lavan edustalla, diplomit käsissään.

Professor Jan Hjort was awarded for exemplary implementation of the university's value "creating new" and international media visibility. Professor Hjort was the University of Oulu's most internationally visible researcher in 2022, according to external media monitoring.

Service manager Jaana Isohätälä was awarded for the exemplary implementation of the university's value of "taking responsibility" and good work as a superior. According to the feedback, Isohätälä is an exemplary role model for a large, diverse and international group of language teachers. She is always friendly, productive, encouraging and matter-of-fact - an exceptional leader equipped with excellent people management skills.

University lecturer Arto Lanamäki, university teacher Sini Pirskanen and OYY's specialist of academic affairs Jere Tapio were awarded for the exemplary implementation of the university's value "succeeding together". The awardees have participated in the work, thanks to which the first guidelines for the use of artificial intelligence in education have been published at the University of Oulu. Several representatives of different faculties and units have also participated in the preparation of the guidelines. The policy is constantly updated.

For the development of responsible science, senior specialist Miki Kallio, administrative coordinator Mari Katvala and senior information specialist Tiina Sipola were awarded. The awardees have systematically developed the support of responsible science for the scientific community. In the national monitoring of open science in 2022, the University of Oulu was one of the two universities that ranked at the highest level in all four assessed areas.

The award for excellent student feedback went to Dr. Andrew Conlin from Oulu Business School. The course “Investment and Financing Decisions” was very much liked among the students. According to one student: ”Everything was well organized and the teaching was high quality. Overall, I enjoyed this course.”

The award for industrial cooperation went to professor Lloyd Ruddock for the development and commercialization of CyDisCo technology. The invention expands the use of E.coli bacteria for the production of biological medicines. It has been granted a patent in Europe and in the United States. Read more: The academic career path led to be an inventor

Congratulations to all!

Last updated: 4.9.2023