The name of the Faculty Service Teams is changing to Faculty Study Services – Changes in service points

As of August 1, 2024, Service Teams have been transferred from the Academic Affairs to the faculties. From now on, the services will be called Faculty Study Services in English and tiedekunnan opintopalvelut in Finnish.

You can contact your Faculty Study Services when you need information or guidance on matters related to your degree programme or studies such as enrolment at the university, study rights matters, study plan, study guidance, recognition of learning and tuition fees.

Faculty Study Services can still be reached via their old service addresses. The service point on the Kontinkangas campus will remain in its familiar location. On the Linnanmaa campus, there are no longer common service hours for all students in Kompassi service point. Check the information on your faculty’s service point and its opening hours at the Faculty Study Services page at service.

The university also offers additional support related to studying, well-being, and career planning.

  • Tutor teachers guide and advise you especially with planning studies, preparing personal study plan, and evaluating the progress of your studies. All students have a personal tutor teacher appointed by the faculty.
  • The Councelling Services offer both individual and group guidance on your study skills, coping with stress and anxiety, among other topics. This guidance is provided by the counseling experts and the university’s study psychologists.
  • The Career Centre's experts and career counselors support you in career planning and study path decisions and guide you in applying for jobs and traineeships at all stages of their studies.

Additionally, you can turn to the Finnish Student Health Service (FSHS) for health matters. The Student Union of the University of Oulu (OYY) represents students' interests and hosts various subject and interest societies.

Read more about the Univeristy's support services

Last updated: 30.8.2024