Opening hours of Campus ICT Service Point starting from Dec 2

Due to the regional remote work recommendation, the opening hours of the service point change from 2 December 2021.

Opening hours of Campus ICT Service Point are valid for now:

  • Open at 11 - 13 on weekdays (you can also agree a personal time)
  • Visit the service point only when healthy, wear a mask and take care of hand hygiene!
  • Location: in the northern part of Linnanmaa campus, in the premises of Oamk, on the 1st floor, room 7D103.
    • Use Oulu Campus Navigator: feed "7D103" or "Campus ICT" and it guides you there!
    • You can see the Linnanmaa map too.

You can send e-mail or call Campus ICT support service:

  • The ICT service requests are answered as a rule on weekdays at 8 - 15:45.
  • The service requests can be answered when the service point is exceptionally closed.

When your matter is connected to print services, please contact Canon's service engineer.

Contact information

(The call is free from the extensions of UO and Oamk, otherwise normal charge according to the caller's subscription.)

Last updated: 1.12.2021