Oulu University Teacher Training School Presents the Finnish School and Educational Services at the Dubai World Exhibition

Oulu University Teacher Training School will take part in the EXPO 2020 World Exhibition that opened at the beginning of October in Dubai. 10 pupils and 10 students from the lower secondary school and upper secondary school attend the World Exhibition in February and cooperate with a local school. There, the group will present the school and its educational services.
Koululaisryhmä syksyisellä nurmikolla. Kahdeksan seisoo taustalla ja kaksi loikoilee maassa.

In December, the school meets partners and education export customers in the Finnish pavilion in Dubai. On 14-16 December 2021, with the help of Artificial Reality (AR), Oulu University Teacher Training School teachers present their three educational services for the management and experts in the field of education: Diploma Programme in Education Leadership and Management, Teacher Enhancement Online and Study Visits. The school has produced a product card for each service, which the World Exhibition visitors can access on their mobile devices and, if they wish, save for later use.

The educational services AR presentation available on mobile devices

More information on the Oulu University Teacher Training School educational services

In preparation for the World Exhibition, Oulu University Teacher Training School has networked with actors in the Finnish educational sector. The school is part of a group coordinated by Education Finland, with a total of 16 organisations. Director Kari Kumpulainen, Lecturers Eliisa Leskisenoja and Suvi-Tuuli Kaleva, and Raimo Salo, expert in education export, participate in producing the programme for the VIP days to be held in December. The school also cooperates with the furniture company ISKU.

According to Kari Kumpulainen, the participation of the school in the World Exhibition offers a unique opportunity for versatile international cooperation. ‘At the World Exhibition, we can highlight the offer of continuing education at the Oulu University Teacher Training School in an unprecedented way, and we will make high-quality Finnish education expertise visible together with other Finnish actors.’

Education exports contribute to the internationalization of the University of Oulu. In recent years, exports have been directed especially to China, and the Gulf states region and the direction of Africa is growing.

In 2018, a major education export was launched in China with a Bachelor of Software Production program at the Collaborative University Nanjing Institute of Technology (NJIT). Education exports in education include continuing education: lectures, workshops, school visits and reflections of educational systems in different countries. Digital offerings have recently been developed.

“Finland's good reputation in educational competence is known round the world, and there is more demand than it can be met. Education export activities could be more extensive,” explains Anne Viherkari, education planner at the University of Oulu.

Learning Moments for Exhibition Visitors to See

The World Exhibition involves cooperation between the primary school and the upper secondary school of Oulu University Teacher Training School with the GEMS Modern Academy school in Dubai. The cooperation takes place at the joint Dubai EXPO club, which includes pupils and students with their teachers. Read more in the club's blog Learning Together.

During the academic year 2021-2022, the clubs collaborate virtually with the pupils and students of the GEMS school on themes that have been agreed on together. The co-operation will culminate at the World Exhibition on 21 February 2022, when the club members will finally meet and present the results of their co-operation. Learning moments will be organised during the day, and the media and partners will be able to watch them.

‘From the viewpoint of pupils, students and teachers, a co-operation project with a school located in Dubai is part of our school's international activities, which we do as a UNICEF school,’ says Kari Kumpulainen.

Finland will present itself at the World Exhibition with the theme “Sharing Future Happiness”. The Finnish pavilion includes 120 companies and organisations, and nearly 200 countries attend the World Exhibition. Most of the visitors are schoolchildren and students.

Dubai EXPO 2020 is open from 1 October 2021 to 31 March 2022. Because of Corona, the organisation of the World Exhibition was delayed by one year. This is the first World Exhibition in the Middle East.

Learning Together club blog for Oulu University Teacher Training School and Dubai schoolchildren

Finnish pavilion in Dubai EXPO 2020

Dubai EXPO 2020

Last updated: 3.12.2021